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Force Corporations to Disclose Climate Impacts

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The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—the federal agency responsible for protecting the US financial system—is considering a rule to require publicly traded companies to make mandatory, standardized disclosures about their climate impacts and how they manage climate-related financial risks.

Act now and urge Congress to call for a strong climate disclosure rule mandating corporations to disclose the full spectrum of heat-trapping emissions associated with their business.

This type of data is critical for investors—including everyday people who have retirement money and taxpayer dollars invested in the financial system—to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing and carbon-constrained world. As we seek to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, advocates and policy makers need clear information about heat-trapping emissions from the corporate sector and opportunities for emissions reductions. Unfortunately, the SEC is under pressure from fossil fuel industry allies to weaken its proposed rule.

Congress needs to hear from constituents: Write today and tell your legislators that corporate climate disclosure is important and that you expect them to champion a strong federal climate disclosure rule.

June 14

Urge Your Legislators to Secure a Just Clean Energy Transition

June 14

Stop ExxonMobil From Suing Investors Who Demand Reduced Emissions