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Urge Congress to Support Transit and Healthy, Thriving Communities

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Accessible, dependable public transit service is an essential bedrock for people and communities to thrive. For decades, we've seen decisionmakers pour funding into highway expansions and sprawling development, which leaves us all stuck and has negatively impacted our air, health, and climate. It's time to center people in our transportation future.

Write today and urge your member of Congress to cosponsor and continue to support H.R. 7039, the Stronger Communities through Better Transit Act.

Creating a federal program to support transit operations will help begin to break down the vast disparities we see between public transportation systems in every corner of the country while simultaneously reducing pollution and creating more choices for reliably getting around. This act would also prioritize places with persistent poverty and poor access to public transport, reducing wealth inequality by shrinking transportation costs for those who are affected most.

Learn more about the Stronger Communities through Better Transit Act here.

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